Title | Time | Room | Teacher |
Pitch Your Science | 11.07.2023 09:00 - 17:00 (Tue) | GSLS Building Lecture Hall | Philipp Gramlich |
Pitch Your Science | 12.07.2023 09:00 - 17:00 (Wed) | GSLS Building 01.001/002 | Philipp Gramlich |
Description:The question "what do you do?" seems so simple, but scientists often find it hard to answer. How can you explain what you are working on without boring the other and start an engaging conversation or an introduction for a talk? During this interactive workshop, you´ll learn how to present your research briefly and comprehensibly to different target audience.
- Who is your audience? And, what could poosibly interest them?
- How to engage your audience?
- How to craft your research-pitch?
- How to present your pitch?
- Get feedback on your pitch from your peers
Note: Registration of GSLS doctoral researchers has priority to non-GSLS participants. Non-GSLS participants pay a service and workshop fee of EUR 50 by bank transfer.